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UPDATED Thursday July 15, 10:08 PM PST

HTTP Request

This endpoint returns all zones available if no auth-token is provided.

If an auth-token is provided, it returns a list of zones and routes available with this token.

Which Routes are accessible?

["*"] means that all routes on a zone is accessible.

We use a combination of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes, ISO 3166-2 Country subdivision code, and where applicable, ISO 639-1 language codes for our locale codes.

as_csv (OPTIONAL)Boolean indicating whether to return the data in CSV format.true

While basic functionality of the zones route is available publically, additional information is available to those with API keys.

Code samples#

cURL command
curl -v -X GET "{string}&as_csv={boolean}"-H "x-api-key: {subscription key}"
--data-ascii "{body}"

Successful Response Samples#

HTTP 200 OK#

The above commands yield data such as the following (example produced in June 2021, actual capacities and capabilities have expanded much since then):

response for media types 'application/json' and 'text/json'
{  "US-MISO": {    "countryName": "United States of America",    "zoneName": "Midcontinent Independent System Operator",    "access": ["*"]  },  "US-PJM": {    "countryName": "United States of America",    "zoneName": "Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection",    "access": [      "production"      "lastUpdates"    ]  }}

Error Response Samples#

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