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Capacity (beta)

UPDATED Thursday July 15, 10:08 PM PST

HTTP Request for wind

This endpoint returns various metrics, where available, of a zone"s Capacity market.

Requires an API Key

This feature is only available to WattPricer Account-holders.

Query Parameters#

zone_keyA string representing the zone identifier. We use a combination of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes, ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code, and where applicable, ISO 639-1 language codes for our locale codes. See the /zones endpoint for a list of valid zones.US-MISO
metricStatistic regarding the capacity market of the zone in question (see below)OFFSUB
as_csv (OPTIONAL)Boolean indicating whether to return the data in CSV format.true

The metric parameter is a string corresponding to one of the following fields:

Metric NameMetric DescriptionUnits
PRMRPRMR (Planning Reserve Margin Requirement)MW
OFFSUBOffer Submitted (Including FRAP)MW
FRAPFixed Resource Adequacy Plan (FRAP)MW
SSSelf Scheduled (SS)MW
NSSOCNon-SS Offer ClearedMW
COMITCommitted (Offer Cleared + FRAP)MW
LCRLocal Clearing Requirement (LCR)MW
CILCapacity Import Limit (CIL)MW
ZIAZonal Import Ability (ZIA)MW
CELCapacity Export Limit (CEL)MW
ACPAuction Clearing Pricecurrency/MWDay
UCAPTUnforced Capacity (UCAP) TotalMW
UCAPCUnforced Capacity (UCAP) (Confirmed)MW
UCAPUUnforced Capacity (UCAP) (Unconfirmed)MW
CUCConverted Unforced Capacity (Zonal Resource Credit)MW
UCAPUnconverted Unforced Capacity (UCAP)MW
ZRCNPMW/ZRC not participating in PRAMW
CPDFCPDF (Coincident Peak Demand Forecast)MW
CPDFTLCPDF + Transmission LossesMW
PRMPlanning Reserve Margin (PRM)percentage
ZCPDFZCPDF (Zonal Coincident Peak Demand Forecast)MW
ZCPDFZTLZCPDF + Zonal Trans. LossesMW
LRRFLRR (Local Reliability Requirement) Factorunitless
NPTENon-Pseudo Tied ExportsMW
LCRPLCR as a % of PRMRpercentage

Code samples#

cURL command
curl -v -X GET "{string}&metric={string}&as_csv={boolean}"-H "x-api-key: {subscription key}"
--data-ascii "{body}"

Successful Response Samples#

HTTP 200 OK#

The above command returns the following, with zone_key=US-MISO and metric=OFFSUB

response for media types 'application/json' and 'text/json'
{    "updated": "2021-4-20T05:08:49+04:00",    "metricCode": "OFFSUB",    "metricName": "Offer Submitted (Including FRAP)",    "localResourceZones": {        "Z1": 20296.4,        "Z2": 14056.10,        "Z3": 10822,        "Z4": 10281.4,        "Z5": 7952.8,        "Z6": 17134.6,        "Z7": 21727.5,        "Z8": 10573.5,        "Z9": 21800.7,        "Z10": 5300.2,        "ERZ": 1629,        "System": 141574.2    },    "units":"MW",    "zoneKey": "US-MISO",    "source": ""}

Error Response Samples#

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