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Day Ahead Ex-Post LMP

UPDATED Thursday July 15, 10:08 PM PST

HTTP Request

This endpoint returns day-ahead market (DAM) Ex Post locatonal marginal prices (LMP), usually projected by hourly intervals.

Query Parameters#

zone_keyA string representing the zone identifier. We use a combination of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes, ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code, and where applicable, ISO 639-1 language codes for our locale codes. See the /zones endpoint for a list of valid zones.US-MISO
node_keyString containing node abbreviations. See the /nodes endpoint for a list of valid nodes. If multiple nodes, separate them by commas in the stringALTE.COLUMBAL1,ALTW.BRLGTN5,WPS.WESTON4
as_csv (OPTIONAL)Boolean indicating whether to return the data in CSV format.true

Code samples#

cURL command
curl -v -X GET "{string}&node_key={string}&as_csv={boolean}"-H "x-api-key: {subscription key}"
--data-ascii "{body}"

Successful Response Samples#

HTTP 200 OK#

The above commands yield data such as the following (using zone_key=US-MISO and node_key=ACEI,WPS.WPSM):

response for media types 'application/json' and 'text/json'
{  "billingUnit": "MWh",  "currency": "USD",  "datetime": [    "2021-05-18T21:55:00+00:00"  ],  "node": {    "AECI": {      "MCC": [-1.39], "MLC": [-1.73], "LMP": [25.98]    },    "WPS.WPSM": {      "MCC": [0],"MLC": [1.21], "LMP": [30.31]    }  },  "source": "",  "updated": "2021-05-18T18:57:45-04:00",  "zoneKey": "US-MISO"}

Error Response Samples#

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